Long Live Summons

Chapter 833 - There Are Many Types of Guests

Yue Yang smiled: “Why are both of you looking at me?”

Bi Lu hesitated slightly, but she was eager to have her suspicions confirmed: “Are you going to the Dark Realm?”

The impression of the Dark Realm has always been represented as dark and empty according to the people of the Heaven Realm. It was known to be filled with incorrigible evil and depravity. Even if Bi Lu was willing to believe in Queen Tai Lun, she could not completely believe the Queen’s words that claimed ‘the people of the Dark Realm have been cleansed for their sins and restored of their morals’. In Bi Lu’s mind, there may be some good people like King Tai Lun in the Dark Realm, but the majority of them were most definitely fallen warriors and unrepentant thugs.

Lie Yan also had the same point of view.

If it hadn’t been for what she experienced in the Tong Tian Tower, she wouldn’t have completely broken her previous ideological fetters on her obsession with chivalry, and she most definitely would have been able to resist the emotional tug on her heartstrings.

Yue Yang was not at all surprised by their thoughts as he remained completely neutral. No one knew what happened in the Dark Realm, so it would not come off as a surprise no matter what became of it. Unless it was a ‘God’ with an absolute will, the thoughts of ordinary people were actually very fragile and would change due to environmental influences. Under certain conditions, it was not surprising that some of the fallen warriors of the Dark Realm who were exiled had their morals restored...Besides, not all of the exiled were bad people. Excluding the ancient times, after the Central Palace had the authority to grant exiles, they used that power on their enemies. After all, just because they were opponents of the Central Palace, that doesn’t mean they were automatically considered evil.

Without investigation, Yue Yang would not give the Dark Realm a specific definition.

Well, at least, before he conducted his investigation.

To be honest, the tens of thousands of Dark Realm warriors that Yue Yang met previously weren’t entirely evil. They were just a horde of chess pieces that were unable to struggle and break free from the chains of control that shackled them.

“I do want to go to the Dark Realm, but our plan remains unchanged,” Yue Yang picked up a portrait on the table and smiled: “So before that, let’s get rid of this guy!”

The portrait was that of a tough man with red hair and blood-red eyes. His entire frame was covered in muscles like steel whereas his face expressed rebellious hostility.

He was Yue Yang’s first target, Tantai Tu Mie’s number one subordinate in terms of capabilities—Heavenly Ghost!

The Killer, Heavenly Ghost!

The luxurious airship of the Raging Flames Bandit Group flew away from the city of Redemption.

The City Lord Qian Hu took his wife to see them off in secret. On the surface, he naturally performed his duties as the Redemption City Lord and continues to keep in touch with Elder Yu Mu as if nothing had happened before. Even the cunning tauren ‘Lima’ was released, but he was not stupid. He thought of many possibilities on the days where he served in prison. Now that he was released, he refused to leave the city. Instead, he took the initiative to show his favor to the City Lord Qian Hu with the appearance of being willing to atone for his crimes by taking some action.

A day passed, and night fell.

The elder Executioner Yu Mu, who learned that the luxurious airship had left, quietly stepped into the portal, convinced that no one was following him. He arrived at a secret place, the Star-gazing Harbor.

The Star-gazing Harbor was not actually a bay as there was no water. It was a large and empty island that was suspended in the air.

The main reason why it was called the ‘Star-gazing Harbor’ was because the Central Palace’s outer hall had been designated as a combat station. All personnel from the Central Palace who were dispatched to the Tai Lun Continent or a large area around it could stay here. Even during normal hours, there were already dozens of airships here, let alone thousands of combatants who had arrived because of the execution of King Tai Lun.

There were now more than two hundred luxury and combat airships that were berthing in the Star-gazing Harbor.

All of which densely squeezed into the Sky Wharf of the Star-gazing Harbor.

Elder Yu Mu passed through the tightly guarded Sky Wharf. After several identification checks, he finally walked into the brightly lit Star-gazing Fortress.

“You’re back. Is there any news?” In the main seat of the Star-gazing fortress sat a fierce man with red hair and blood-red eyes. His aura was extremely violent, like a mad lion that could select a human to feast on at any time he liked, especially with the face and body muscles that looked as strong as iron. There was a terrible scar that started from the bridge of his nose to his cheek, adding even more to his already violent and intimidating aura.

“Master, the airship left suddenly. This subordinate couldn’t grasp the other party’s true intentions, so I came here to report on purpose.” The elder Yu Mu replied blankly.

“Fortress Lord and Nan Bei, what do you two think about that?” The man with red hair and blood eyes sitting on the main seat did not speak immediately. Instead, he looked to both of his sides.

“If that God’s Descent was real, then there must be a secret under the Divine Punishment Platform that we are unable to predict. Now that the airship has left, this Fortress Lord feels that it is not the end of the matter. On the contrary, I think it is a signal for them to start taking action. It doesn’t matter what family in the Heaven Realm they hail from; even a higher ranked powerhouse will not openly declare war with our Central Palace. If they want to stop the execution, they would avoid suspicion and take action secretly.” The person who answered this time had a mighty appearance— a middle-aged man who wore heavy golden armor.

This person did not come across as intimidating as the fierce man with red hair and blood-red eyes, but he did have a majestic aura of his own.

Whether he was just sitting upright or talking.

The invisible coercion of a superior being was present.

He was none other than the Colonel General of the Central Palace stationed in the Star-gazing Harbor, the Lord of the Star-gazing Fortress— Iron Shoulder.

Sitting quietly across from the Fortress Lord, Colonel General Iron Shoulder of the Star-gazing Fortress, there was also an older man with an elegant smile on his face that remained at any time and anywhere. Most of the senior man’s hair and beard were jet-black where only the sideburns were dyed white. Not only does he not appear to be as old as he really was, but his face portrayed a sense of mature wisdom. He held a paper fan in his hand, looking like a wise man who stayed away from home, and sat on a lower positioned chair with a confident smile etched on the corners of his lips.

His smile seemed elegant, yet noble and calm.

When the fierce man with red hair and blood eyes looked over, the smiling wise man immediately stood up slowly and gave a light bow. A clear and magnetic voice sounded: “Lord, Nan Bei thinks that the luxurious airship leaving is, in fact, a good thing.”

This answer was unexpected. Even the man paused briefly and asked, “Explain in detail.”

The old wise man opened his paper fan swiftly, his actions extremely chic.

He stroked his beard again, as if he was sorting out his words.

After a long time, he smiled and said: “Lord, Nan Bei guessed that perhaps, this may be a warning signal. If we don’t give them a reaction, then the other party will attack. If it was a big clan from the Heaven Realm, or even someone from the Upper Heaven Realm, they would not act immediately as there are things that are under certain rules at any time. The more highly ranked they are, the more they would pay attention to the rules. Even if those rules were set by them, the outcome would be the same.”

Yu Mu asked back: “The other party’s warning has been issued, so how should we respond?”

The old wise man closed his fan, swinging it lightly and signaled for them to not worry: “We should report this matter to the Warden. The warning from the other party was probably nothing more than a signal. They know that we are not the decision-makers, so they want to communicate with the Warden. Otherwise they would have charged at us with full force instead of steering the airship away from the Divine Punishment Platform.”

The majestic Colonel General Iron Shoulder suddenly stood up: “No matter what intentions the other party holds, we should inform the Warden as soon as possible. After all, there is a God’s will behind it.”

Yu Mu agreed mentally, looking at the fierce man with red and bloody eyes.

As long as he gives an order, Yu Mu will use the fastest speed he could muster to bring the news back to the Warden.

The fierce man did not speak but continued to look at the old wise man, as if he wanted to continue to listen to the opinions of his subordinate.

The elderly wise man who claimed to be Nan Bei suddenly said: “Don’t worry, don’t worry, the luxury airship has already left. With the size of the Redemption City, I can guarantee that we are not the only ones who know of this. Queen Tai Lun or some secretly coveted small fries will definitely take this opportunity to cause some trouble. They’d use the name of the gods to disturb our thoughts, confuse our eyes and ears so as to profit from it. Therefore, what we should do now is not just to send a letter to the Warden, but also to be prepared to welcome some guests!”

“Guests?” When the elder Yu Mu heard this, his body shook slightly, but he still remained expressionless, as if he had never been angered in his life.

“This Fortress Lord will personally greet the guests.” As soon as Colonel General Iron Shoulder stood up, he heard bursts of explosions outside.

A look of admiration flashed in his eyes, and he gave a slight bow to the elderly wise man: “As expected of Sir Nan Bei. Everything under the sky is in his grasp and he is always thinking ahead of others; I deeply respect you. If I may ask, what is our next course of action?”

The old wise man responded with a smile as he said, “The Fortress Lord handles incidents flawlessly and is always well-prepared before any event. With such careful and meticulous actions, Nan Bei is the one who deeply respects you. I think the guests will be here for a while, as there is no way they would come altogether. How about we relax and wait here? When the guests have fully arrived, let’s enter by ourselves and have another banquet to welcome them, hahaha.”

Colonel General Iron Shoulder looked at the fierce man with red and bloody eyes who sat still and unmoving. Suddenly, Iron Shoulder realised: “So it turns out that Lord Heavenly Ghost has already prepared for it, how shameful of me.”

The fierce man with red hair and bloody eyes waved his hand: “Fortress Lord, please sit down. WIth distinguished guests coming to the door, why don’t we wait for a moment.”

Ten minutes later.

The explosions and the sounds of various wars were still going on.

It’s just that it has weakened a lot from the beginning. It was estimated that the resistance had lost in many places.

After another ten minutes, except for the Star-gazing Fortress. The previous sounds of war were no longer heard in any other areas as if all fights had abruptly disappeared. Only the sporadic explosions caused by the flames of the buildings occasionally sounded from a distance...The fierce man with bloody eyes drank some blood-red wine without reacting, as if he didn’t know anything about the movement that was going on outside. Elder Yu Me stood stubbornly in the middle of the hall, neither sitting down nor feasting with his face cold and expressionless; Colonel General Iron Shoulder also sat still, looking at the blood-red wine in his glass, as flames seemed to burn in his eyes.

The old wise man maintained the smile on his lips. He shook his head and the paper fan, movements posh and calm.

The gates of the Star-gazing Fortress finally opened.

A hot wind with the smoke of war blew in, and then, there was a figure who strided in. Before he arrived, his hearty laughter had already resounded throughout the hall: “Hello, Lord Heavenly Ghost, Colonel General Iron Shoulder, Elder Yu Mu and Sir Nan Bei. This Lionheart King greets all of you.”

“Is Lionheart King also one of the guests?” Sir Nan Bei, the elderly wise man, asked with a light smile.

“There are many types of guests, and I belong to the kind that observes quietly and will never embarrass you at any time.” The Lionheart King, who was as radiant as the light, laughed loudly.

“The Lionheart King is a good guest, but the same probably doesn’t apply to the few guests behind, I assume?” The Colonel General Iron Shoulder stood up and looked behind the Lionheart King ,noticing that there were a few more silhouettes.

“We are the contrasts of the Lionheart King. Because of our active nature, we belong to the kind who don’t like to observe quietly and prefer to embarrass others all the time.” Accompanied with a female giantess and two astronomically beautiful women, a young man who wore an odd mask strode in with large, confident steps. Seeing his strutted entry, he doesn’t come across as a guest at all. It felt as if he was home, walking around in his yard with a kind of calmness that was anti-guest-oriented.


This translation is presented by Nocturne Translations.

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[TL note]:

Wow, thank you guys seriously for the donations, that’s a lot. Beause of the original quota and the donations, you can expect daily translations from today onwards till the next week ! Once again, thank you all who supports us! I hope you have a great day!!

Please let me know in the comments if there are specific terms that were incorrect as I am new to this series and still quite unfamiliar with all the alias names and terms. Thank you for supporting the novel and look forward to the next chapters!


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